Monday, August 2, 2010

Simple Pleasures

My blogging is going to significantly slow in the next coming weeks. I have summer school finals starting tomorrow and continuing until next Thursday. For the next two weeks my head will be stuck in chemistry and calculus books and then I'll be school free for two weeks! So with that being said I'm leaving you with a stellar playlist (at bottom on sidebar) and some amazing photos reminding me of the simple pleasures in life.

{finding a book so good, you read twice in one week}

{flying kites}

{building epic forts in your backyard}

{naps so good, when you wake up you forget what day it is}

{having the perfect lighting}

{believing your a superhero}

{never being too old to believe in magic}

Photos: weheartit

1 comment:

  1. Love this list of Simple Pleasures! You choose just the right things :)
